Psychological Testing + Assessment.
Psychological testing and assessment involve incorporating a variety of tests and tools to measure and observe client characteristics (behaviors, personality) to help with diagnostic clarification as well as treatment planning. Not unlike when a primary care physician orders medical tests for patients. Psychological testing will help ensure that the client receives treatment that's tailored to his or her individual needs.
Dr. Carlson utilizes to most up-to-date tests and measures to assess a variety of concerns relating to:
Anxiety / Anger / Chronic pain conditions / Depression / Mood disorders / Motivation / Personality
Client perceptions of their relationship with an intimate partner / Communication and conflict resolution / Relationship and marital satisfaction / Strengths and the growth areas of their relationship / Type of preferred intimacy
Arousal/Arousability / Body image / Comfort sexual communication / Sexual satisfaction / Erectile functioning / Fantasy / Female sexuality / Gender identity / Jealousy / Male sexuality / Risk behaviors / Sexual compulsion / Sexual dysfunction and functioning